Word of the Year

2016: Filling My Life With Passion

Passion: noun – a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

Passion. It’s been right there, right under the surface, tickling my skin to get out. It’s been on the horizon, waiting, lurking, stalking me until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

The word has been taunting me for weeks. I’ve made lists of options for this year’s word that will, hopefully, guide me through the 366 days of 2016. None of the words stuck out like passion. They just didn’t grab me by the arm and run through a field of poppies with me like PASSION did.

It basically chose itself.

But if I had to guess, passion does that. When you have it and it infiltrates every part of your life, it chooses its own path and guides you along.

This year, I want to parent with passion. I want to love with passion. I want to be passionate about work and maybe even find that *thing* that fills my soul.

In looking back over the past years, I can say that the words that I’ve chosen to guide my year have impacted my life. They’ve become little guys that sit on my shoulder like those good angel/bad angel guys in cartoons. And even years later, they stick with me.

So here’s to adding Passion to the growing list of life-guiding words.



(Adding this to Nicole’s One Word post)


  • sisters from another mister

    LOVE your words ….
    so much grace leading to the place where intuition led you to pursue a different path …
    Glorious – what a wonderful word to end out a year that saw so much change handled again … with so much grace.
    Now passion … to give it your all, to see where life leads you … to simply live this new life, this new opportunity with passion … I do like it xxxx

    • Jana A

      Thanks! I feel like, without planning it, they’ve all worked together and added layer upon layer of intention to my life. Here’s to this year and where it takes us!

  • sisters from another mister

    LOVE your words ….
    so much grace leading to the place where intuition led you to pursue a different path …
    Glorious – what a wonderful word to end out a year that saw so much change handled again … with so much grace.
    Now passion … to give it your all, to see where life leads you … to simply live this new life, this new opportunity with passion … I do like it xxxx

  • sisters from another mister

    LOVE your words ….
    so much grace leading to the place where intuition led you to pursue a different path …
    Glorious – what a wonderful word to end out a year that saw so much change handled again … with so much grace.
    Now passion … to give it your all, to see where life leads you … to simply live this new life, this new opportunity with passion … I do like it xxxx

    • Jana A

      Thanks! I feel like, without planning it, they’ve all worked together and added layer upon layer of intention to my life. Here’s to this year and where it takes us!

  • Linda Sheridan

    I am the oldest of 6. The last 3 were triplets when I was 13. Money was not abundant. My parents fought a lot. My mom would overspend constantly and
    Deceive my dad. I was the referee/ peacemaker from at least the age of 10.
    Not complaining, just saying where I come from. Back then you were supposed to get married young and kind of go along with whatever your “man” did. I avoided conflict like the plague and had my daughter just shy of 21. I am with my second husband since 1993. A joyous marriage. Thank Goddess. What makes me happy is my people being happy. We have 4 kids 1 is ours. 3 grandchildren. I will be 60 this year. I wish you the best! Goddess spew in 2016 and beyond.
    Lights and Angels and love to you !

  • Linda Sheridan

    I am the oldest of 6. The last 3 were triplets when I was 13. Money was not abundant. My parents fought a lot. My mom would overspend constantly and
    Deceive my dad. I was the referee/ peacemaker from at least the age of 10.
    Not complaining, just saying where I come from. Back then you were supposed to get married young and kind of go along with whatever your “man” did. I avoided conflict like the plague and had my daughter just shy of 21. I am with my second husband since 1993. A joyous marriage. Thank Goddess. What makes me happy is my people being happy. We have 4 kids 1 is ours. 3 grandchildren. I will be 60 this year. I wish you the best! Goddess spew in 2016 and beyond.
    Lights and Angels and love to you !

  • Allie

    I love your word Jana. I haven’t come up with mine yet, but I’m choosing a link up on Thursday. And that’s the prompt. I need to get on it! Happy New Year!

  • Allie

    I love your word Jana. I haven’t come up with mine yet, but I’m choosing a link up on Thursday. And that’s the prompt. I need to get on it! Happy New Year!

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