Read about the rest of our Alaskan Adventure: Seattle and Embarkation. Post contains referral and/or affiliate links.
Day At Sea
The first full day on the Carnival Legend was our Day at Sea. Henry and Brianna were most concerned about what they would do on this day. “A whole day on the boat, what will we doooooo?”
We started the morning ridiculously early. The water was really choppy due to a storm system in the area. Before bed, we each took a Dramamine and I had us all put a patch on for good measure. It was really good that we had all that, because we woke up in the middle of the night wondering if the boat was going to capsize. It made for not a great night’s sleep, but it was ok. We only had to hang out all day.
Anyway. Remember that picture from yesterday’s post? That was taken at 9pm. Look how bright it still is.

Well, we were up at 5am because our bodies were still messed up with the time zone changes and from the rocking, and take a look-see at how bright it was then.

The weather was really nice. Not hot, not cold, but quite comfortable. It made sitting on the balcony with coffee and a sweatshirt, watching the mountainy terrain in the distance, pleasant.
We opted for breakfast in the dining room. A nice breakfast and lots of coffee was needed after the night of rocking and rolling.

The kids were able to go back to the room and sleep for a little bit, but then we made them meet us for trivia. They huffed and puffed for a while about it, and then realized it was quite fun. AND the trivia hostess was really cute. AND sometimes Gerry the Tallest Mexican in the World would come by and goof off with her. All of a sudden, trivia was a blast!
Weather during the day at sea got a bit iffy. Storms were all around us, the water became more rolling than choppy, and we got rained on several times. Even if it was warm enough, nobody was going to be swimming because when there are whitecaps on the pool? It’s a nope for swimming. See?
That was fine, though, because there was plenty to do indoors. One being eating and drinking our way through the ship.

Henry found Guy’s Burger Joint. And then ate his weight in burgers. I think he had 3 that first day. We estimated that he would eat around 20 during the week, but he tapered off. Spoiler: He only ate 13.
They found the pizza joint and all the ice cream machines. I’m sure people thought they never ate at home because they were inhaling “free” food all day long.
The Enchanted Forest area became their hideout. It was a great area where the two of them could go and where they were able to get cozy in separate cubbies to read or watch their videos. They had portholes throughout so they had a view, as well. We met up for trivia a few times during the day, and ate, drank, and were merry.

Brian and I sat on our balcony, went to the bar(s) (a few times), and hit up the casino. It was fun to play a little Roulette and Craps. Making some money was nice, too!
Dinner was formal that night. We decided to go early so we could go to the comedy show, so we got dressed up and headed to the Dining Room. The kids looked so nice and I guess we did, too!
We all got crazy that night and ordered all kinds of things. It was wild, though. Nobody fussed about trying new foods. Adventure was on the menu!
What the kids DIDN’T expect, was that the waitstaff treated us to entertainment every night. So when our favorite waiter, Raymundo, and his team danced to “Can’t Stop The Feeling” their minds were blown. I mean, ours were, too, but we knew it was coming.
After dinner, we went to the comedy club (again, against the kids’ wills) where we all laughed until we hurt. It wasn’t John Mulaney or Wanda Sykes, but it was freaking hilarious for family comedy.
The day had been surprisingly exhausting, between the rough sea and not sleeping well the night before and probably eating too much, so we hit the bed and waited for the beauty of Tracy Arm Fjord.
Tracy Arm Fjord
Cruising through Tracy Arm Fjord… basically we had another day at sea because we were on the boat all day.
We woke up on the longest day of the year, Summer Solstice, to the most beautiful crisp, blue, cloudless sky. After two days of choppy waters and storms brewing around us, it was like we were picked up and placed in a magical place of green and blue and ice and water.
Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness contains 653,179 acres and consists of two deep and narrow fjords: Tracy Arm and Endicott Arm. Both fjords are over 30 miles long and one-fifth of their area is covered in ice. During the summer, the fjords have considerable floating ice ranging from hand-sized to pieces as large as a three-story building.
Source: Wikipedia
We started out the morning by getting room service for breakfast and enjoying the very slow ride into Tracy Arm Fjord. The view was so unbelievable.
And the air. The air was SO CLEAN. Like, when you’re in Atlanta, you don’t realize that you can feel the air when you breathe. But you go somewhere like this, tucked between glaciers with ice-cold water and clean air, and you realize just how dirty the air is when you breathe it back home.
I’m going to let photos explain the beauty from here.
9am. Entering the Fjord. Balcony for breakfast and coffee. Top deck where it was breezy and chilly. Photobombed by the sweatshirt cord. No zoom. Incredible. No zoom. Photo: Henry Anthoine Glacier. Photo: Henry Anthoine Glacier. Photo: Henry Anthoine One of several Orcas we saw during the trip. Photo: Henry Anthoine Beautiful. Photo: Henry Anthoine “Iceburg ahead!” Birds for scale. Photo: Henry Anthoine Photo: Henry Anthoine Photo: Henry Anthoine Photo: Henry Anthoine Our little sea lion friend, putting on a dinner show. Photo: Henry Anthoine
We spent the day much like our day at sea. The difference is that there was a Naturalist on board pointing out things like whales, eagles, and glaciers. This really comes in handy when you’re so overwhelmed by the beauty around you.
The ship cruised through the Fjord very very slowly during the day, coming to a stop in a location where the view was 360° of beauty. Seeing how tall the mountains were and how small we were really put things in perspective. We really are such tiny beings in this world.
Instead of the Dining Room that night, we opted for the Steakhouse. The Steakhouse is an additional cost, but gave us another reason to get fancy and enjoy something a little different. The experience was great. The food was delicious. And the dessert was art. Literally. Art made at the table out of chocolate and treats.
After dinner, we headed to the Punchliner Comedy Club again for laughs and drinks and a chance to chill.
Dessert. Art. Punchliner cocktail.
We finished the longest day of the year exhausted and full and ready for the next day. Our first port of call — Skagway.

I am not paid by, nor do I partner with, Carnival Cruise Lines. All opinions and thoughts are my own.