• Eleven. 11. XI.

    Eleven years ago today, you graced us with your presence. You caught us off guard by coming a little bit early and taking forever to be delivered. You caught us off guard by being so aware, so beautiful, so wise. From the moment you arrived, your eyes told your story. They were wide and bright, inquisitive and alert. They knew too much. They knew you had a short time. When I look back at your pictures, so very few of them, your eyes are always open. I see wisdom and love and know that you lived the life you were meant to live. It wasn’t to be a long life,…

  • Roses In December

    I was reminded this morning of one of my favorite quotes. God gives us memories so that we might have roses in December. ~ James Barrie ~ After Charlie died, my dear friend from college, Laura sent me a book that helped her through the loss of her first son in 1999. Laura’s story is a beautiful one that include love, loss, survival, perseverance and selflessness. The book is Roses in December by Marilyn Willett Heavilin. I wasn’t too sure about the book when I first started reading it. Marilyn had lost three sons. Her first son died at 7 weeks old. Her second son died two years later from…